What We Do

We sue debt collectors who harass consumers. We also defend consumers who are sued over consumer debt, that is, debt that is incurred primarily for personal, family or household purposes. The debt collectors who we sue are collection agencies, debt buyers who purchase consumer debt in order to collect on it, and debt collection lawyers.

Federal Law Protects Against Debt Collection Harassment

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was passed to prevent debt collectors from using abusive, unfair and deceptive means to collect debt. Under the FDCPA, a debt collector cannot:

» Harass, oppress, or abusive a consumer

» Contact you without identifying the company calling

» Make repeated phone calls or call you at unreasonable times

» Continue contacting you if they know you have an attorney representing you

» Call before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM

» Call you at work if they know you cannot take collection calls at work

» Contact your employers, relatives, neighbors or other third parties about the debt

» Make threats, like wage garnishment, referring your case to a lawyer, repossessing property or hurting your credit rating without intending to do so

» Use profane or obscene language

» Threaten you with violence

» Sue you in a court in a distant location from where you live

» Contacting you after you tell them in writing to cease communications with you

» Threaten to have you arrested or put in jail

» Lie to you about the amount they say you owe

If you are the victim of such misconduct, please contact us so we can see if you have a case.